Age-Friendly Communities Initiative

Last June, I brought forward a motion to apply for a grant to help Central Saanich develop an “age-friendly community” plan (see tweet). Council passed that motion, and the District of Central Saanich submitted a proposal and received a grant. Staff awarded a contract for one of the competing bids and Council approved the committee’s Terms of Reference that will guide this work. A huge 'thank you' to our amazing resident, Elaine Gallagher, for the nudge to apply and the support along the way.


At our first meeting on March 10th, I was pleased to have been given the role of chairing the committee and I look forward to working with everyone involved. At that first meeting, I expressed the desire to see representation from the Central Saanich Senior Citizens’ Association (CSCA) and to see a youth delegate on the committee.

Given how busy they can be, I have suggested that there might be a seat that youth can rotate representation at if they wish. I also hope the CSSCA will be involved, given their

longstanding role in Central Saanich and my personal affinity with my late grand mother as a founding member.

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